Yahweh - In Hebrew Bracelet
Yahweh - In Hebrew Bracelet
The name Yahweh comes from the Hebrew word for “I am.” When God met Moses at the burning bush and commanded him to go back to Egypt and lead the people out, Moses asked who he should say has sent him. “God said to Moses, ‘I am who I am.’ And He said, ‘Say this to the people of Israel: “I am has sent me to you.”’ God also said to Moses, ‘Say this to the people of Israel: “The LORD [YHWH], the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.” This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations’” (Exodus 3:14-15).
Yahweh is also breath of God. As we inhale and exhale it is the meaning of giving us life. The Lord designed us to breath and be a blessing of YH (inhale) - WH (exhale)❤️.
✨️Led by the Holy Spirit🕊
✨️Prophetic Flow
✨️Handmade & picked
✨️Prayed Over
✨️Done with ❤️
✨️Limited Time Only